
What is Overcontrol?

Therapy for excessive self control

An overcontrolled style of coping has the potential to result in issues such as:

  • Eating Disorders: most commonly including restrictive behaviors or compulsive exercise

  • Chronic Depression: including feeling lonely, self critical, and that could include frequent suicidal ideations or self-injurious behaviors

  • Treatment Resistant Anxiety: constantly feeling stress, tension or in “fight or flight”

  • Persistent trauma symptoms: hyper-vigilance or overly cautious behavior, inflexible responding to changing situations

  • Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder: rigid and rule governed behavior or intense perfectionism

If you are experiencing one of these issues, connect with us today to see how we can help!

Overcontrolled (OC) personality is a pattern of behavior characterized by excessive self-discipline, emotional restraint, and a rigid adherence to rules or standards. Individuals who identify as OC tend to suppress their feelings and may struggle with perfectionism, fear of making mistakes, and an overwhelming need for control in various aspects of their lives. While these traits can sometimes be strengths, an over reliance on them often leads to significant stress, anxiety, and a sense of inner turmoil, particularly when these tendencies hinder relationships or overall well-being.

Key Characteristics of Overcontrolled Personality

  • Emotional Suppression: Difficulty expressing emotions openly and vulnerably or inhibiting emotion expression. 

  • Perfectionism: An intense need to do things "perfectly," to avoid criticism from self or others. There can also be a fear of failure or imperfection. 

  • Excessive Self-Discipline: A tendency to overwork and over-schedule in an effort to stay in control of one’s environment.

  • Difficulty in Relationships: Struggles with meaningful connection, as emotional vulnerability and spontaneity may feel threatening or uncomfortable.

  • Rigid Thinking and Behavior: A tendency to see situations in black-and-white terms, with little room for flexibility or compromise.

What causes an Overcontrolled personality?

Excessive self control is a perfect combination of biology (bio-temperament), life experiences (environment) and coping style.

Bio-temperament: relates to the genetic and biological conductors of emotional perception and regulation of the world around you. How we perceive threat, safety, or reward can happen in milliseconds at the pre-conscious level. Those with an overcontrolled personality tend to have a bio-temperament that includes increased sensitivity to threat, increased ability to inhibit emotions, high attention to detail and low levels of a sense of reward.

Environment: Life experiences that exacerbate an overcontrolled personality could include traumatic events but doesn’t have to. It could also include environments that sent the message that self control is imperative, mistakes are unacceptable or intolerable, winning or appearances are important, and weaknesses (often emotions) should not be revealed.

Overcontrolled Coping Style: the result of bio-temperament and environment coming together. This could look like masking inner feelings, people pleasing or perfectionism to avoid criticism or conflict, compulsive striving (and often high achievements, yet nothing feels “enough”), avoidance of unplanned risks (trying to predict and plan for every scenario), extreme toleration of distress (pushing down pain), and an aloof and distant style of relating (avoidance of connection or relationships).

Self control can be a good thing! But too much self control (overcontrol) can be problematic.

Overcontrol is associated with social isolation, loneliness, poor interpersonal functioning, and mental health problems, such as anorexia nervosa, chronic depression or anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Individuals with disorders of overcontrol are often quietly suffering, even though their suffering may not be apparent. Contact us today to see how we can help or read more on our blog post “What is Overcontrol?” to see how we are helping people with Overcontrol.

Radically Open Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Radically Open Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (RO-DBT) is a revolutionary treatment designed to effective treat disorders of Overcontrol.

RO-DBT can enhance connection, flexibility and openness.

All of our therapists at The Current are trained in Radically Open DBT, a transdiagnostic treatment targeting rigid thought and behavioral patterns, inhibited or disingenuous emotional expression, aloof style of relating, overly cautious behavior, and high social comparisons which can exacerbate issues of eating disorders, trauma, anxiety and depression.

Learn more about our RO-DBT services today!